One Million Things

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Things 4701-4800

This is thing 4701: Captain Willy Peter

This is thing 4702: The Prince of Thieves and Liars

This is thing 4703: The Galactotron

This is thing 4704: The Cypress Recording is a fake.

This is thing 4705: Reassignment is preferable to being beaten to death by wild yetis.

This is thing 4706: Aaron Pierce is Jack Bauer, Sr.

This is thing 4707: Blood the color of lemons flowed forth from his eyes like an autumn sunset.

This is thing 4708: Men.

This is thing 4709: The Clundabular Mandestitutionary.

This is thing 4710: I am better than deer.

This is thing 4711: I can see through lions.

This is thing 4712: I am the Grand Vizier of the Internet.

This is thing 4713: Calculator Jones

This is thing 4714: Club Sandwiches

This is thing 4715: Cucumber sandwiches are a stereotype applied to white people.

This is thing 4716: Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!

This is thing 4717: A man made of butter would be useful up to a point.

This is thing 4718: Shandy = not very tasty.

This is thing 4719: Shartpedo (n): When you try to fart and a little bit of shit comes out and sinks a submarine.

This is thing 4720: When you search “butts butts buts butts butts butts butts butts butts” on Google, it says “Did you mean: nuts butts buts butts bottoms butts bottoms butts butts”.

This is thing 4721: I would barf.

This is thing 4722: i have a back, 11. Will play soon to you!

This is thing 4723: Caulk.gif

This is thing 4724: I just shouted into your voicemail.

This is thing 4725: Doop dee doo.

This is thing 4726: The Collywobbles.

This is thing 4727: Welcome ta erf.

This is thing 4728: Bulldog.

This is thing 4729: Let me finish watching 'Ghostbusters'.

This is thing 4730: A hundred.

This is thing 4731: Slow and steady wals the rus.

This is thing 4732: Would you like to know more?

This is thing 4733: It just looked at me.

This is thing 4734: One time I was eating a sandwich and a bulldog walked in and the bulldog looked at me.

This is thing 4735: Do fewer drugs.

This is thing 4736: Sneaky pewps.

This is thing 4737: Black people are hard to see in the dark.

This is thing 4738: Define hog casing

This is thing 4739: Jack Bauer just used my knife.

This is thing 4740: Mugwump

This is thing 4741: The Man with the Iron Pants

This is thing 4742: Wut!

This is thing 4743: When is your soccer game over?

This is thing 4744: I miss you.

This is thing 4745: Are you Pac-Man?

This is thing 4746: Let's ride bikes.

This is thing 4747: Poopedo

This is thing 4748: That didn't even make any sense.

This is thing 4749: If people didn't have butts, chairs would have to be much softer.

This is thing 4750: How does Doo do it?

This is thing 4751: Cameras.

This is thing 4752: Poops!

This is thing 4753: The Pounder

This is thing 4754: What are you doing right now?

This is thing 4755: Ridin' Spinnas

This is thing 4756: Ambergris

This is thing 4757: NUNS!

This is thing 4758: Why is dey tire tracks troo dey yard?

This is thing 4759: If a man was filled with pandas, he would be fuzzy on the inside.

This is thing 4760: Yams are the rabbits of the vegetable kingdom.

This is thing 4761: Deedly dee doodle doodle doodle deedly deedly dee doodle doodle doodle deedly deedly dee doodle doodle doodle deedly deedly dee doodle doodle deedle deedle dee

This is thing 4762: Chuppa chuppa chuppa!

This is thing 4763: Detailed instructions on how to build a manure bomb.

This is thing 4764: The more things we have, the higher the likelihood of being found by a Google search.

This is thing 4765: This compilation contains little or no pornography.

This is thing 4766: Rubber buns and liquor.

This is thing 4767: A hundred is less then a million.

This is thing 4768: I rejoiced when they said to me, “Let us go unto the house of the Lord.”

This is thing 4769: Begin the launch countdown.

This is thing 4770: Begin the lunch countdown.

This is thing 4771: Russians can be funny.

This is thing 4772: Girls can't use computers.

This is thing 4773: Every man for himself.

This is thing 4774: It reads the same forward as backward.

This is thing 4775: Everyone loves a good palindrome.

This is thing 4776: He's scrambling F16s like a fat man scrambles eggs.

This is thing 4777: If more things had Nyquil in them, more people would be tired more often.

This is thing 4778: If you were twelve, everyone would be older than you.

This is thing 4779: In order to make split pea soup, you need a ham bone.

This is thing 4780: UNLESS YOU DIE FIRST!

This is thing 4781: Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States of America.

This is thing 4782: If I were still alive, I would eat a lot of chocolate cake.

This is thing 4783: Beer bread doesn't require near as much beer as one might first assume.

This is thing 4784: Mexicans

This is thing 4785: Killed 'im dead with a bullet gun.

This is thing 4786: The squirrels are rabbits.

This is thing 4787: Expendable crewman.

This is thing 4788: A cat named Racetrack.

This is thing 4789: Artificial wood paneling.

This is thing 4790: Tycho Brahe, the Man with the Golden Nose

This is thing 4791: The Wrath of Corn

This is thing 4792: Stabbed in the throat

This is thing 4793: Flippin' switches.

This is thing 4794: Nar flancid e bor clepula, shote scorptugard barr prancidor.

This is thing 4795: Beaten to death with a pipewrench made from his own necktie.

This is thing 4796: Never trust a children.

This is thing 4797: If rubber ducks were made of ham, they might be called something different.

This is thing 4798: Four hundred million molasses babies.

This is thing 4799: If a man pees in the forest, does it make a sound?

This is thing 4800: Sometimes poop floats, sometimes it doesn't. No one knows why.


  • hahaha this is hilarous, i like how men are a thing. though girls can use computers and the meaning of 'how does doo do it' shall forever remain a mystery!

    By Blogger lozhutch, at 6:31 AM  

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