One Million Things

Monday, November 05, 2007

Things 4901-4970

This is thing 4901: Sometimes it is difficult to return.

This is thing 4902: Other times it is very easy to return.

This is thing 4903: Library research methods do not make for exciting lectures.

This is thing 4904: All those fortune cookies came true.

This is thing 4905: 14,921 had donated.

This is thing 4906: Americans and Englishmen pronounce Proust differently.

This is thing 4907: When a German toast's he remembers that modernist.

This is thing 4908: Lets go to the beach.

This is thing 4909: Transliteration: Na Zdrovya. Or if not there: Salut.

This is thing 4910: Total Carbohydrates in my body at this point: 4.5 If I eat a piece of sugarfree gum, that will not change.

This is thing 4911: Do you ever wish you could have recess again?

This is thing 4912: How old are the pants that you are wearing?

This is thing 4913: Is it good or bad when your pants are older than your car?

This is thing 4914: Pants become cool again when they are older than your Uncle.

This is thing 4915: I heard that a poet hanged himself with barbed wire.

This is thing 4916: Scooters, Vacation, Fall.

This is thing 4917: I can't access those digitized novels. No matter how hard I try.

This is thing 4918: The displaced narrative.

This is thing 4919: INLAND EMPIRE by David Lynch

This is thing 4920: Tanner '88 by Robert Altman

This is thing 4921: The Last Wave by Peter Weir

This is thing 4922: Bottle Rocket by Wes Anderson

This is thing 4923: Total Recall by Peter Verhoeven

This is thing 4924: The Dead Zone by David Cronenberg

This is thing 4925: Tetsuo: The Iron Man by Shinya Tsukamoto

This is thing 4926: Days of Heaven by Terrence Malick

This is thing 4927: Un Chien Andalou by Louis Bunuel

This is thing 4928: Ballet Mecanique by Fernand Leger

This is thing 4929: Sibelius by Timo Koivusalo

This is thing 4930: The Darjeeling Limited by Wes Anderson

This is thing 4931: The Patriots and The Colts by the Mafia

This is thing 4932: A confounding math adventure

This is thing 4933: I took a look at a webcomic I had not read in a long time. It was very pleasant to do so.

This is thing 4934: i took a look at a webcomic I had not read in a long time. I was disappointed in the poor quality of the work.

This is thing 4935: Day of Wrath by Carl Dreyer

This is thing 4936: I walked out in front of everybody. I didn't even think of embarrassment until I had to come back. Even then. . . it was hard to care.

This is thing 4937: I would hope that Roland Barthes would try to give me a little kiss on the cheek as close French friends might.

This is thing 4938: Would you prefer to stare into the eyes of Robert Alter or Alain de Botton?

This is thing 4939: I still have 2 free games of pool.

This is thing 4940: Is the smell that I smell what people usually associate with me? I hope not; it smells terrible.

This is thing 4941: Every time someone gives me a dollar, I will make them into a thing.

This is thing 4942: My life is a readymade.

This is thing 4943: My socks are a readymade.

This is thing 4944: Your feelings are a readymade.

This is thing 4945: All of the hamburgers that I have eaten this month were readymades.

This is thing 4946: My cock is a readymade.

This is thing 4947: I would like to turn my life into a reciprocal readymade.

This is thing 4948: I would like to turn my socks into a reciprocal readymade.

This is thing 4949: I would like to turn all of those hamburgers into reciprocal readymades. Each with their own inherent value - independent of me or even the hamburgers with which they are associated according to the narrative of my existence.

This is thing 4950: I would like to turn my cock into a reciprocal readymade.

This is thing 4951: The Canadian dollar is much too worthwhile.

This is thing 4952: James Elkins is probably not related to Pat Elkins. Who else is named Elkins?

This is thing 4953: Please, don't make assumptions. Everything is done for a reason.

This is thing 4954: The cup is and has been sitting far from the canvas.

This is thing 4955: John Henry Hunter 1922-1944

This is thing 4956: Histories

This is thing 4957: Conversations

This is thing 4958: Theories

This is thing 4959: Critiques

This is thing 4960: Suggestions

This is thing 4961: Conclusions

This is thing 4962: Notes

This is thing 4963: If I put an ad up on craigslist will you respond?

This is thing 4964: I preferred the old layout to tell you the truth. Not that it makes a very big difference, but it had more structure. I like structure. At least in my check-out lines.

This is thing 4965: Could Nicholas Bourriaud eat Sigmund Freud if he wanted to?

This is thing 4966: Please don't interpret that as allegorical, metaphorical, surrealistic or absurdist.

This is thing 4967: Cavernous holes of unsettled carbon dioxide.

This is thing 4968: The absence of nothing

This is thing 4969: Who cares for waste other than those hippies? I'll tell you who.

This is thing 4970: There is no good way to communicate.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Things 4801-4900

This is thing 4801: Use pronouns with care.

This is thing 4802: Timothy Locket has a pocket.

This is thing 4803: I wish that Jamal would drive more slowly.

This is thing 4804: Don Quixote was a man of many potatoes.

This is thing 4805: ‘Controlled substances’ is a euphemism for illegal drugs.

This is thing 4806: Every month there is at least one Tuesday.

This is thing 4807: Writers are sometimes tempted to eat donuts.

This is thing 4808: The temptation is greatest when they are hungry.

This is thing 4809: When someone has been drinking, he is more likely to fall over.

This is thing 4810: 12b: Pronoun Reference!

This is thing 4811: A pronoun should keep its hands in its pockets at all times.

This is thing 4812: Ambiguous gender occurs when one person’s gender… is… ambiguous…

This is thing 4813: When Aunt Harriet put the cake on the table, it collapsed.

This is thing 4814: Bob told James that he had won the lottery.

This is thing 4815: After braiding Anne’s hair, Sue cut off her head.

This is thing 4816: More and more often, we are finding ourselves victims of serious crimes. We learn to accept our fate with minor complaints.

This is thing 4817: Romeo and Juliet were both to young to have…

This is thing 4818: … acquired much wisdom.

This is thing 4819: The encyclopedia states that male moths can smell female moths from several miles away.

This is thing 4820: Once you have kneaded the dough, let it rise in a warm place.

This is thing 4821: The indefinite ‘you’ is inappropriate.

This is thing 4822: ‘Stipulate’ rhymes with ‘leave too late.’

This is thing 4823: Miss Pickersgill’s Guide to Etiquette stipulates that guests should not leave a party too early.

This is thing 4824: Large numbers.

This is thing 4825: Franzibald

This is thing 4826: Francis Franjipane

This is thing 4827: Lars Ulrich

This is thing 4828: Bearclaw Coffee = tastes like dirt.

This is thing 4829: Mr. H. Bearsly

This is thing 4830: Weebls wobble, but they don’t fall down.

This is thing 4831: The television show ‘Friends’ is the cause of more suffering in the world than AIDS, terrorism, and the Nazi party combined.

This is thing 4832: What if ‘elemeno’ were actually a letter?

This is thing 4833: So many dynamos.

This is thing 4834: racecar

This is thing 4835: Palindromes are nature’s cheese filling.

This is thing 4836: Do geese see God?

This it thing 4837: What do you call that thing that reads the same forward as it does backward?

This is thing 4838: Never odd or even.

This is thing 4839: Some men interpret nine memos.

This is thing 4840: Madam, I’m Adam.

This is thing 4841: Murder for a jar of red rum.

This is thing 4842: Was it Eliot’s toilet I saw?

This is thing 4843: Too bad I hid a boot.

This is thing 4844: necrotizing fasciitis

This is thing 4845: Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas!

This is thing 4846: Kay, a red nude, peeped under a yak.

This is thing 4847: Are we not drawn ownward, we few, drawn onward to new era?

This is thing 4848: May a moody baby doom a yam?

This is thing 4849: Sums are not set as a test on Erasmus.

This is thing 4850: Straw? No; too stupid a fad. I put soot on warts.

This is thing 4851: Go hang a salami. I’m a lasagna hog!

This is thing 4852: Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a spoonerism of sugar.

This is thing 4853: A pack of lies.

This is thing 4854: A lack of pies.

This is thing 4855: It’s pouring rain.

This is thing 4856: It’s roaring pain.

This is thing 4857: Save the whales!

This si thing 4858: Wave the sails!

This is thing 4859: Chipping the flannel.

This is thing 4860: Flipping the channel.

This is thing 4861: Our queer old dean.

This is thing 4862: Our dear old Queen.

This is thing 4863: Americans don’t have a queen because they’re better than the English.

This is thing 4864: We’ll have the flags hung out.

This is thing 4865: We’ll have the hags flung out.

This is thing 4866: The loving shepherd.

This is thing 4867: The shoving leopard.

This is thing 4868: A half-formed wish.

This is thing 4869: A half-warmed fish.

This is thing 4870: Is the bean dizzy?

This is thing 4871: Is the Dean busy?

This is thing 4872: So help me God.

This is thing 4873: Go help me sod.

This is thing 4874: Healing the sick.

This is thing 4875: Sealing the hick.

This is thing 4876: Foul beat.

This is thing 4877: Bowel feast.

This is thing 4878: Bad money.

This is thing 4879: Mad bunny.

This is thing 4880: This is the fun part.

This is thing 4881: This is the pun fart.

This is thing 4882: I hit my funny bone.

This is thing 4883: I hit my bunny phone.

This is thing 4884: 4884 = a palindrome.

This is thing 4885: This item would be, simply put, ‘Popcorn’, were that not already an entry.

This is thing 4886: I think you see where this is going.

This is thing 4887: The wonderful, excellent, hilarious spoonerism of ‘popcorn’ is ‘cop porn’.

This is thing 4888: Would you like a hazelnut?

This is thing 4889: Would you like a nasal hut?

This is thing 4890: Coupon.

This is thing 4891: Puke on.

This is thing 4892: Sir, you certainly are a shining wit.

This is thing 4893: Oh, the suffering of purgery on my soul.

This is thing 4894: He’s a smart fella’.

This is thing 4895: Clandestine drug labs

This is thing 4896: The Constabulary

This is thing 4897: There is a giant bear in here.

This is thing 4898: I am Kaiser Souse.

This is thing 4899: Killer Poker Online 2: Son of Killer Poker Online

This is thing 4900: Marie Antoinette

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Things 4701-4800

This is thing 4701: Captain Willy Peter

This is thing 4702: The Prince of Thieves and Liars

This is thing 4703: The Galactotron

This is thing 4704: The Cypress Recording is a fake.

This is thing 4705: Reassignment is preferable to being beaten to death by wild yetis.

This is thing 4706: Aaron Pierce is Jack Bauer, Sr.

This is thing 4707: Blood the color of lemons flowed forth from his eyes like an autumn sunset.

This is thing 4708: Men.

This is thing 4709: The Clundabular Mandestitutionary.

This is thing 4710: I am better than deer.

This is thing 4711: I can see through lions.

This is thing 4712: I am the Grand Vizier of the Internet.

This is thing 4713: Calculator Jones

This is thing 4714: Club Sandwiches

This is thing 4715: Cucumber sandwiches are a stereotype applied to white people.

This is thing 4716: Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!

This is thing 4717: A man made of butter would be useful up to a point.

This is thing 4718: Shandy = not very tasty.

This is thing 4719: Shartpedo (n): When you try to fart and a little bit of shit comes out and sinks a submarine.

This is thing 4720: When you search “butts butts buts butts butts butts butts butts butts” on Google, it says “Did you mean: nuts butts buts butts bottoms butts bottoms butts butts”.

This is thing 4721: I would barf.

This is thing 4722: i have a back, 11. Will play soon to you!

This is thing 4723: Caulk.gif

This is thing 4724: I just shouted into your voicemail.

This is thing 4725: Doop dee doo.

This is thing 4726: The Collywobbles.

This is thing 4727: Welcome ta erf.

This is thing 4728: Bulldog.

This is thing 4729: Let me finish watching 'Ghostbusters'.

This is thing 4730: A hundred.

This is thing 4731: Slow and steady wals the rus.

This is thing 4732: Would you like to know more?

This is thing 4733: It just looked at me.

This is thing 4734: One time I was eating a sandwich and a bulldog walked in and the bulldog looked at me.

This is thing 4735: Do fewer drugs.

This is thing 4736: Sneaky pewps.

This is thing 4737: Black people are hard to see in the dark.

This is thing 4738: Define hog casing

This is thing 4739: Jack Bauer just used my knife.

This is thing 4740: Mugwump

This is thing 4741: The Man with the Iron Pants

This is thing 4742: Wut!

This is thing 4743: When is your soccer game over?

This is thing 4744: I miss you.

This is thing 4745: Are you Pac-Man?

This is thing 4746: Let's ride bikes.

This is thing 4747: Poopedo

This is thing 4748: That didn't even make any sense.

This is thing 4749: If people didn't have butts, chairs would have to be much softer.

This is thing 4750: How does Doo do it?

This is thing 4751: Cameras.

This is thing 4752: Poops!

This is thing 4753: The Pounder

This is thing 4754: What are you doing right now?

This is thing 4755: Ridin' Spinnas

This is thing 4756: Ambergris

This is thing 4757: NUNS!

This is thing 4758: Why is dey tire tracks troo dey yard?

This is thing 4759: If a man was filled with pandas, he would be fuzzy on the inside.

This is thing 4760: Yams are the rabbits of the vegetable kingdom.

This is thing 4761: Deedly dee doodle doodle doodle deedly deedly dee doodle doodle doodle deedly deedly dee doodle doodle doodle deedly deedly dee doodle doodle deedle deedle dee

This is thing 4762: Chuppa chuppa chuppa!

This is thing 4763: Detailed instructions on how to build a manure bomb.

This is thing 4764: The more things we have, the higher the likelihood of being found by a Google search.

This is thing 4765: This compilation contains little or no pornography.

This is thing 4766: Rubber buns and liquor.

This is thing 4767: A hundred is less then a million.

This is thing 4768: I rejoiced when they said to me, “Let us go unto the house of the Lord.”

This is thing 4769: Begin the launch countdown.

This is thing 4770: Begin the lunch countdown.

This is thing 4771: Russians can be funny.

This is thing 4772: Girls can't use computers.

This is thing 4773: Every man for himself.

This is thing 4774: It reads the same forward as backward.

This is thing 4775: Everyone loves a good palindrome.

This is thing 4776: He's scrambling F16s like a fat man scrambles eggs.

This is thing 4777: If more things had Nyquil in them, more people would be tired more often.

This is thing 4778: If you were twelve, everyone would be older than you.

This is thing 4779: In order to make split pea soup, you need a ham bone.

This is thing 4780: UNLESS YOU DIE FIRST!

This is thing 4781: Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States of America.

This is thing 4782: If I were still alive, I would eat a lot of chocolate cake.

This is thing 4783: Beer bread doesn't require near as much beer as one might first assume.

This is thing 4784: Mexicans

This is thing 4785: Killed 'im dead with a bullet gun.

This is thing 4786: The squirrels are rabbits.

This is thing 4787: Expendable crewman.

This is thing 4788: A cat named Racetrack.

This is thing 4789: Artificial wood paneling.

This is thing 4790: Tycho Brahe, the Man with the Golden Nose

This is thing 4791: The Wrath of Corn

This is thing 4792: Stabbed in the throat

This is thing 4793: Flippin' switches.

This is thing 4794: Nar flancid e bor clepula, shote scorptugard barr prancidor.

This is thing 4795: Beaten to death with a pipewrench made from his own necktie.

This is thing 4796: Never trust a children.

This is thing 4797: If rubber ducks were made of ham, they might be called something different.

This is thing 4798: Four hundred million molasses babies.

This is thing 4799: If a man pees in the forest, does it make a sound?

This is thing 4800: Sometimes poop floats, sometimes it doesn't. No one knows why.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Things 4601-4700

This is thing 4601: Paul Aaron

This is thing 4602: Susanna B. Aaron

This is thing 4603: Mary Jane Abare

This is thing 4604: Paul Abascal

This is thing 4605: Abdul Malik Abbott

This is thing 4606: Norman Abbott

This is thing 4607: Nick Abdo

This is thing 4608: Lewis Abel

This is thing 4609: Michael Abel

This is thing 4610: Raymond Ferris Abelin

This is thing 4611: Julian Abio

This is thing 4612: Richard P. Ablezer

This is thing 4613: Cheryl L. Abood

This is thing 4614: Arthur B. Abowitz

This is thing 4615: Catherine Elizabeth Abraham

This is thing 4616: Jacob K. Abraham

This is thing 4617: Morris J. Abraham

This is thing 4618: Peter M. Abraham

This is thing 4619: Jim S. Abrahams

This is thing 4620: Richard W. Abramitis

This is thing 4621: Rafael Abramovitz

This is thing 4622: Jay Abramowitz

This is thing 4623: Brad S. Abrams

This is thing 4624: J.J. Abrams

This is thing 4625: Neil P. Abramson

This is thing 4626: Stephen J. Abramson

This is thing 4627: Edward M. Abroms

This is thing 4628: Timothy J. Abshire

This is thing 4629: Michael Abt

This is thing 4630: Stephanie M. Accetta

This is thing 4631: Jeremiah Joseph Acerra

This is thing 4632: Joseph R. Aceti

This is thing 4633: Debra E. Ack

This is thing 4634: Andrew A. Ackerman

This is thing 4635: Andy Ackerman

This is thing 4636: Mitchell W. Ackerman

This is thing 4637: Robert Allan Ackerman

This is thing 4638: Stanley Ackerman

This is thing 4639: Susan Ackerman

This is thing 4640: Thomas Edward Ackerman

This is thing 4641: Jill Ackles

This is thing 4642: Lance J. Acord

This is thing 4643: Dwight Adair

This is thing 4644: Scott Adam

This is thing 4645: Glenn R. Adamo

This is thing 4646: Anya K. Adams

This is thing 4647: Catlin Adams

This is thing 4648: Cyd Adams

This is thing 4649: John D. Adams

This is thing 4650: John L. Adams

This is thing 4651: Lew V. Adams

This is thing 4652: Penny Adams

This is thing 4653: Stephanie Fowler Adams

This is thing 4654: Andrew Adamson

This is thing 4655: Joe Adamson

This is thing 4656: Larina Jean Adamson

This is thing 4657: Being a filmmaker no longer seems to be the lucrative career path set apart for the very best and brightest. . . no offense.

This is thing 4658: Perry Miller Adato

This is thing 4659: Wayne Adderson

This is thing 4660: Sarah H. Addington

This is thing 4661: Herb Adelman

This is thing 4662: Lisa Adelman

This is thing 4663: Andrew E. Adelson

This is thing 4664: Michele Ader

This is thing 4665: Brian Scott Ades

This is thing 4666: Robert Adetuyi

This is thing 4667: Abraham Adler

This is thing 4668: Diane Zoe Adler

This is thing 4669: Duane G. Adler

This is thing 4670: Gilbert Adler

This is thing 4671: Jerry Adler

This is thing 4672: Lou Adler

This is thing 4673: Tony Adler

This is thing 4674: Trish A. Adlesic

This is thing 4675: Lorna R. Adolph

This is thing 4676: Ben Affleck

This is thing 4677: Bill C. Affleck

This is thing 4678: Laurie Agard-Campbell

This is thing 4679: Vincent C. Agostino

This is thing 4680: Marilyn Agrelo

This is thing 4681: Robin E. Agron-Breen

This is thing 4682: Crisoforo Aguilar

This is thing 4683: George A. Aguilar

This is thing 4684: Joe M. Aguilar

This is thing 4685: Josue D. Aguilar

This is thing 4686: Anthony J. Aguilera

This is thing 4687: Javier Aguilera

This is thing 4688: Jorge Aguilera

This is thing 4689: John Patrick Aguirre

This is thing 4690: Robert Michael Aguirre

This is thing 4691: Lloyd N. Ahern

This is thing 4692: Neal J. Ahern

This is thing 4693: Julie Bilson Ahlberg

This is thing 4694: Anneli Ai Ahlbom

This is thing 4695: Gregory E. Ahlquist

This is thing 4696: Fareshta Ahmadi

This is thing 4697: Ahmet Ahmet

This is thing 4698: Scott R. Ahrens

This is thing 4699: Danny and Jennifer Aiello

This is thing 4700: Danelle K. Akaki

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Things 4551-4600

This is thing 4551: fooser

This is thing 4552: How shall we not be influenced?

This is thing 4553: pick-up

This is thing 4554: pull kick

This is thing 4555: bank

This is thing 4556: parker

This is thing 4557: rho

This is thing 4558: tic-tac

This is thing 4559: joiner

This is thing 4560: push kick

This is thing 4561: angle shot

This is thing 4562: crossed me up

This is thing 4563: So much fire?

This is thing 4564: parent company

This is thing 4565: wall pass

This is thing 4566: small circles

This is thing 4567: back pass

This is thing 4568: bank

This is thing 4569: tau

This is thing 4570: leemail

This is thing 4571: Important times?

This is thing 4572: oho oho oho oho ho ho ho-oho

This is thing 4573: turntable

This is thing 4574: paramagnetism

This is thing 4575: interrupting forces are present or something

This is thing 4576: a blomph (in music)

This is thing 4577: porcupinai

This is thing 4578: antepenult

This is thing 4579: shoegazing

This is thing 4580: peripatetic

This is thing 4581: the year of the nice nice

This is thing 4582: sled

This is thing 4583: the perplexer

This is thing 4584: Ought not to?

This is thing 4585: inbetween times of inspiration there is facebook

This is thing 4586: he's so well versed

This is thing 4587: diamagnetism

This is thing 4588: delta

This is thing 4589: For all your citation needs?

This is thing 4590: Dr. Faustus

This is thing 4591: royal tiress

This is thing 4592: tome of Pope Leo

This is thing 4593: teleology of what is called television

This is thing 4594: it taught me some words

This is thing 4595: peregrination

This is thing 4596: what headphones do to a person

This is thing 4597: about to?

This is thing 4598: define unpaired spins

This is thing 4599: tokens at gamer havens

This is thing 4600: power in the hands of the people

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Things 4501-4550

This is thing 4501: Spindly

This is thing 4502: Furlong K. Vikings

This is thing 4503: Entreat K. Ejaculated

This is thing 4504: Highres

This is thing 4505: Mackey S. Rosamond

This is thing 4506: Exuded M. Depot

This is thing 4507: Clinker B. Exaltation

This is thing 4508: Fishkins

This is thing 4509: seek run

This is thing 4510: Daddy Stone

This is thing 4511: Viking Finances

This is thing 4512: Sylvia

This is thing 4513: Chris

This is thing 4514: isopen

This is thing 4515: Canada's Royal Bank

This is thing 4516: Belshazzar Bellberry

This is thing 4517: Paradoxical movements of the prime minister.

This is thing 4518: Network - under management.

This is thing 4519: Filipe Chase

This is thing 4520: BAGFF kind

This is thing 4521: Jake

This is thing 4522: Images video

This is thing 4523: Wholes S. Gracelessly

This is thing 4524: Proof Pycon

This is thing 4525: Archbishop competitor

This is thing 4526: Dethroned A. Selim

This is thing 4527: Tureen E. Knitting

This is thing 4528: Cordelia I. Harding

This is thing 4529: Portions to enhance sermons

This is thing 4530: Heeled P. Enjoin

This is thing 4531: sOARING LOWER TONes

This is thing 4532: Reprint problems

This is thing 4533: Leonard of the well rounded brandy

This is thing 4534: Virus attacks

This is thing 4535: Susan Tuttle

This is thing 4536: Wesley Grayson

This is thing 4537: Reconaissance H. Wagged

This is thing 4538: Brawled R. Derogation

This is thing 4539: Jason Gonzales

This is thing 4540: Margie

This is thing 4541: EligiblePlayers

This is thing 4542: A very special greeting from. . .

This is thing 4543: EduOnlineDirect

This is thing 4544: Alexis Damian

This is thing 4545: Sexy Asian Singles

This is thing 4546: US Govt.

THis is thing 4547: I can think of an unspecified number of Isaac names.

This is thing 4548: Give your idea an ancient author!

This is thing 4549: Make your audience as forcefully as you can.

This is thing 4550: Tell them your job. Choose your words carefully.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Things 4451-4500

This is thing 4451: Bears hibernate through the winter months.

This is thing 4452: Alcibiades does not help me.

This is thing 4453: ; )

This is thing 4454: An empty deck of cards.

This is thing 4455: Hey, I'm clean.

This is thing 4456: We can not grieve over the loss of what we have never known.

This is thing 4457: Three of each.

This is thing 4458: Disoriented

This is thing 4459: A high fever seems common.

This is thing 4460: I can't think with you beating on my head.

This is thing 4461: Urban Fonts

This is thing 4462: Bleach stains are better than blood stains.

This is thing 4463: A kubt

This is thing 4464: Floccinaucinihilipilification.

This is thing 4465: My life is thematic.

This is thing 4466: Dogs make cups with the back of their tounges.

This is thing 4467: Stop screaming.

This is thing 4468: So distracted . . .

This is thing 4469: A guest?

This is thing 4470: Masterful job.

This is thing 4471: Time may be already be running out!

This is thing 4472: A diversification of one's humor.

This is thing 4473: Being able to relax, even in tense situations.

This is thing 4474: It is all the university that I need.

This is thing 4475: Some places will pay for sperm.

This is thing 4476: Another pick-up.

This is thing 4477: I will share this page with a friend.

This is thing 4478: I breathe a couple of times each minute.

This is thing 4479: Nothing for which to look forward.

This is thing 4480: 1981

This is thing 4481: Third theater on your left.

This is thing 4482: Mental barriers without reason.

This is thing 4483: Push me down that road, my darling.

This is thing 4484: How can I clean the hose?

This is thing 4485: Missed chances.

This is thing 4486: It really is a small world.

This is thing 4487: A well-repressed sense of adventure.

This is thing 4488: The People Mover is a depressing story.

This is thing 4489: The haunting smell of pumpkin pies.

This is thing 4490: Pa-Pa-Pa-Peri-cleeeese!

This is thing 4491: I can't think of anything more pleasant than that dream. So much so that my body desires to return to sleep just that I might find such a place once again.

This is thing 4492: Bible codes

This is thing 4493: Is anything worthwhile?

This is thing 4494: The tip of my tounge.

This is thing 4495: Good Lord. . . Its happening again.

This is thing 4496: Carpet on the bathroom floor.

This is thing 4497: A steady foot.

This is thing 4498: Don't be angry.

This is thing 4499: My subconcious says "Yes!".

This is thing 4500: The soft, supple underbelly.