One Million Things

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Things 4801-4900

This is thing 4801: Use pronouns with care.

This is thing 4802: Timothy Locket has a pocket.

This is thing 4803: I wish that Jamal would drive more slowly.

This is thing 4804: Don Quixote was a man of many potatoes.

This is thing 4805: ‘Controlled substances’ is a euphemism for illegal drugs.

This is thing 4806: Every month there is at least one Tuesday.

This is thing 4807: Writers are sometimes tempted to eat donuts.

This is thing 4808: The temptation is greatest when they are hungry.

This is thing 4809: When someone has been drinking, he is more likely to fall over.

This is thing 4810: 12b: Pronoun Reference!

This is thing 4811: A pronoun should keep its hands in its pockets at all times.

This is thing 4812: Ambiguous gender occurs when one person’s gender… is… ambiguous…

This is thing 4813: When Aunt Harriet put the cake on the table, it collapsed.

This is thing 4814: Bob told James that he had won the lottery.

This is thing 4815: After braiding Anne’s hair, Sue cut off her head.

This is thing 4816: More and more often, we are finding ourselves victims of serious crimes. We learn to accept our fate with minor complaints.

This is thing 4817: Romeo and Juliet were both to young to have…

This is thing 4818: … acquired much wisdom.

This is thing 4819: The encyclopedia states that male moths can smell female moths from several miles away.

This is thing 4820: Once you have kneaded the dough, let it rise in a warm place.

This is thing 4821: The indefinite ‘you’ is inappropriate.

This is thing 4822: ‘Stipulate’ rhymes with ‘leave too late.’

This is thing 4823: Miss Pickersgill’s Guide to Etiquette stipulates that guests should not leave a party too early.

This is thing 4824: Large numbers.

This is thing 4825: Franzibald

This is thing 4826: Francis Franjipane

This is thing 4827: Lars Ulrich

This is thing 4828: Bearclaw Coffee = tastes like dirt.

This is thing 4829: Mr. H. Bearsly

This is thing 4830: Weebls wobble, but they don’t fall down.

This is thing 4831: The television show ‘Friends’ is the cause of more suffering in the world than AIDS, terrorism, and the Nazi party combined.

This is thing 4832: What if ‘elemeno’ were actually a letter?

This is thing 4833: So many dynamos.

This is thing 4834: racecar

This is thing 4835: Palindromes are nature’s cheese filling.

This is thing 4836: Do geese see God?

This it thing 4837: What do you call that thing that reads the same forward as it does backward?

This is thing 4838: Never odd or even.

This is thing 4839: Some men interpret nine memos.

This is thing 4840: Madam, I’m Adam.

This is thing 4841: Murder for a jar of red rum.

This is thing 4842: Was it Eliot’s toilet I saw?

This is thing 4843: Too bad I hid a boot.

This is thing 4844: necrotizing fasciitis

This is thing 4845: Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas!

This is thing 4846: Kay, a red nude, peeped under a yak.

This is thing 4847: Are we not drawn ownward, we few, drawn onward to new era?

This is thing 4848: May a moody baby doom a yam?

This is thing 4849: Sums are not set as a test on Erasmus.

This is thing 4850: Straw? No; too stupid a fad. I put soot on warts.

This is thing 4851: Go hang a salami. I’m a lasagna hog!

This is thing 4852: Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a spoonerism of sugar.

This is thing 4853: A pack of lies.

This is thing 4854: A lack of pies.

This is thing 4855: It’s pouring rain.

This is thing 4856: It’s roaring pain.

This is thing 4857: Save the whales!

This si thing 4858: Wave the sails!

This is thing 4859: Chipping the flannel.

This is thing 4860: Flipping the channel.

This is thing 4861: Our queer old dean.

This is thing 4862: Our dear old Queen.

This is thing 4863: Americans don’t have a queen because they’re better than the English.

This is thing 4864: We’ll have the flags hung out.

This is thing 4865: We’ll have the hags flung out.

This is thing 4866: The loving shepherd.

This is thing 4867: The shoving leopard.

This is thing 4868: A half-formed wish.

This is thing 4869: A half-warmed fish.

This is thing 4870: Is the bean dizzy?

This is thing 4871: Is the Dean busy?

This is thing 4872: So help me God.

This is thing 4873: Go help me sod.

This is thing 4874: Healing the sick.

This is thing 4875: Sealing the hick.

This is thing 4876: Foul beat.

This is thing 4877: Bowel feast.

This is thing 4878: Bad money.

This is thing 4879: Mad bunny.

This is thing 4880: This is the fun part.

This is thing 4881: This is the pun fart.

This is thing 4882: I hit my funny bone.

This is thing 4883: I hit my bunny phone.

This is thing 4884: 4884 = a palindrome.

This is thing 4885: This item would be, simply put, ‘Popcorn’, were that not already an entry.

This is thing 4886: I think you see where this is going.

This is thing 4887: The wonderful, excellent, hilarious spoonerism of ‘popcorn’ is ‘cop porn’.

This is thing 4888: Would you like a hazelnut?

This is thing 4889: Would you like a nasal hut?

This is thing 4890: Coupon.

This is thing 4891: Puke on.

This is thing 4892: Sir, you certainly are a shining wit.

This is thing 4893: Oh, the suffering of purgery on my soul.

This is thing 4894: He’s a smart fella’.

This is thing 4895: Clandestine drug labs

This is thing 4896: The Constabulary

This is thing 4897: There is a giant bear in here.

This is thing 4898: I am Kaiser Souse.

This is thing 4899: Killer Poker Online 2: Son of Killer Poker Online

This is thing 4900: Marie Antoinette


  • friends is not bad!!! who came up with these, they hurt my head!

    By Blogger lozhutch, at 10:11 AM  

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