Things 992-1000
This is thing 992: The beauty of another's mind is indescribable.
This is thing 993: I think that's my right.
This is thing 994: Every fifteen minutes just is not enough for the time it takes to walk.
This is thing 995: It certainly took a while to get back into the swing.
This is thing 996: I am frustratingly tired.
This is thing 997: Everything is a thing.
This is thing 998: The first of many. . . somewhere around 1,000.
This is thing 999: Grown old?
This is thing 1000: A threshold motif.
This is thing 993: I think that's my right.
This is thing 994: Every fifteen minutes just is not enough for the time it takes to walk.
This is thing 995: It certainly took a while to get back into the swing.
This is thing 996: I am frustratingly tired.
This is thing 997: Everything is a thing.
This is thing 998: The first of many. . . somewhere around 1,000.
This is thing 999: Grown old?
This is thing 1000: A threshold motif.
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