Things 602-626
This is thing 602: Aubree's Pizza is freaking delicious.
This is thing 603: "Oh ye of little faith" and "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" are not meant to shut you down. They are meant to encourage you to abandon your self reliance and trust God.
This is thing 604: A good back massage is a beautiful thing.
This is thing 605: Donate your body to science.
This is thing 606: The LeForge light is possesed by Satan.
This is thing 607: Insurance companies suck the big one King Size Snickers candy bar.
This is thing 608: Woof!
This is thing 609: Momma's home cooking, who could ask for anything more?
This is thing 610: Anaphalaxis.
This is thing 611: The old Casino Royale is a work of genius.
This is thing 612: Skittles, taste the freaking rainbow.
This is thing 613: "Your mom wants you to eat at Jimmy Johns!"
This is thing 614: Craic and crack are two entirely different things, and crack has multiple meanings yet they are pronounced the same. This can make for a great deal of confusion.
This is thing 615: Stick shifts are better than automatics.
This is thing 616: Is it really in the health industries' best interest to keep you healthy?
This is thing 617: Smith Wigglesworth...te he.
This is thing 618: Your patient is here.
This is thing 619: "It's the size of my pinky!"
This is thing 620: Hepatitis B vaccines have been known to cause serious issues such as physical impairment.
This is thing 621: I sprung a leak.
This is thing 622: One million things, a good deal of which are bound to be uninteresting. Kind of like the things in this post.
This is thing 623: "Sweet Mother of Pearl!"
This is thing 624: "Bite me!"
This is thing 625: A girl who is immature and in a dating relationship is kind of like an unripe piece of fruit, sour and clearly best left on the tree where it belonged.
This is thing 626: The avacado is the vegetable form of lard. It also happens to be awesome and delicious.
This is thing 603: "Oh ye of little faith" and "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" are not meant to shut you down. They are meant to encourage you to abandon your self reliance and trust God.
This is thing 604: A good back massage is a beautiful thing.
This is thing 605: Donate your body to science.
This is thing 606: The LeForge light is possesed by Satan.
This is thing 607: Insurance companies suck the big one King Size Snickers candy bar.
This is thing 608: Woof!
This is thing 609: Momma's home cooking, who could ask for anything more?
This is thing 610: Anaphalaxis.
This is thing 611: The old Casino Royale is a work of genius.
This is thing 612: Skittles, taste the freaking rainbow.
This is thing 613: "Your mom wants you to eat at Jimmy Johns!"
This is thing 614: Craic and crack are two entirely different things, and crack has multiple meanings yet they are pronounced the same. This can make for a great deal of confusion.
This is thing 615: Stick shifts are better than automatics.
This is thing 616: Is it really in the health industries' best interest to keep you healthy?
This is thing 617: Smith Wigglesworth...te he.
This is thing 618: Your patient is here.
This is thing 619: "It's the size of my pinky!"
This is thing 620: Hepatitis B vaccines have been known to cause serious issues such as physical impairment.
This is thing 621: I sprung a leak.
This is thing 622: One million things, a good deal of which are bound to be uninteresting. Kind of like the things in this post.
This is thing 623: "Sweet Mother of Pearl!"
This is thing 624: "Bite me!"
This is thing 625: A girl who is immature and in a dating relationship is kind of like an unripe piece of fruit, sour and clearly best left on the tree where it belonged.
This is thing 626: The avacado is the vegetable form of lard. It also happens to be awesome and delicious.
It is a terrible travesty that you, of all people, were not issued the almighty whatchamacalit, allower of postage on this site. Terrible indeed.
The Namer, at 11:25 AM
Remember, guys, spelling and punctuation are key. If this is ever to become a book, the better the initial copy the easier the editing for the final copy. Imagine editing one million things for grammar and punctuation. *shudder*
The Namer, at 11:27 AM
well, actually grammer and punctuation will be preserved in their original form. This is to protect the artistic integrity of those who contribute things without impressing my own interpretation on their work.
However, keep "This is thing x: " as rigid as possible.
Keep up the good work(but faster). We are 647/1,000,000ths of the way there!
The Namer, at 10:27 PM
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