Things 407-451
This is thing 407: Things dont work often enough too often.
This is thing 408: Cloves are delicious.
This is thing 409: Boring boring boring boring boring boring.
This is thing 410: Old man poop
This is thing 411: Ultraviolent
This is thing 412: Thoughts on the meaning of life often become outdated.
This is thing 413: Who the retardation thought this was a good idea.
This is thing 414: Some people poop hammers.
This is thing 415: Why do fart jokes never get old?
This is thing 416: Cause "mature" adults still think they're hilarious.
This is thing 417: "Maturity" is a myth.
This is thing 418: In reality it is just tact and good sense.
This is thing 419: People drive you insane.
This is thing 420: People help keep you sane.
This is thing 421: Mmmmm pizza
This is thing 422: Streak marks
This is thing 423: People are dumb, unless they arent.
This is thing 424: Contrary to popular belief, life is a full of and by nature a contradiction.
This is thing 425: Popular belief is short for what everyone is dumb enough to believe.
This is thing 426: If you have to think about it, don't do it.
This is thing 427: If you have to think about how to do it, ask for help.
This is thing 428: If you dont think people will realize this later.
This is thing 429: If all else fails, shut up and stop talking.
This is thing 430: Skin lotion
This is thing 431: "I pooped a hammer."
This is thing 432: Life is really moving at the same speed all the time.
This is thing 433: It just seems so short in the past, so slow in the present, and so far away in the future.
This is thing 434: Some people no matter how hard they try will always smell bad.
This is thing 435: Unsurety makes me nervous.
This is thing 436: God is awesome.
This is thing 437: Whoever invented chicken noodle soup deserves a whole lot of thanks.
This is thing 438: Fantabulon
This is thing 439: Instant Broad Spectrum Activity
This is thing 440: To be honest, sometimes the answer you need to hear is the one you dont want to hear.
This is thing 441: Such as the answer to the oft asked question "why does my ______ hurt?"
This is thing 442: Sometimes it's a genuine thing such as "oh you broke your foot/have arthritis or something."
This is thing 443: Sometimes the answer is simply "lose weight/stop smoking/stop drinking."
This is thing 444: If you have to get a 4th opinion you're probably just wrong.
This is thing 445: Because by the 4th time around it's not just because they dont like you.
This is thing 446: Stereotypes are perpetuated for a reason.
This is thing 447: Take for example "all mexicans are illegal immigrants."
This is thing 448: This is a good example of thing 446.
This is thing 449: Because a lot of mexicans cross the border illegally.
This is thing 450: But not all of them do. So it's perpetuated partly because it's true and partly because people feel the need to make stereotypes.
This is thing 451: We've got a long way to go til 1 million.
This is thing 408: Cloves are delicious.
This is thing 409: Boring boring boring boring boring boring.
This is thing 410: Old man poop
This is thing 411: Ultraviolent
This is thing 412: Thoughts on the meaning of life often become outdated.
This is thing 413: Who the retardation thought this was a good idea.
This is thing 414: Some people poop hammers.
This is thing 415: Why do fart jokes never get old?
This is thing 416: Cause "mature" adults still think they're hilarious.
This is thing 417: "Maturity" is a myth.
This is thing 418: In reality it is just tact and good sense.
This is thing 419: People drive you insane.
This is thing 420: People help keep you sane.
This is thing 421: Mmmmm pizza
This is thing 422: Streak marks
This is thing 423: People are dumb, unless they arent.
This is thing 424: Contrary to popular belief, life is a full of and by nature a contradiction.
This is thing 425: Popular belief is short for what everyone is dumb enough to believe.
This is thing 426: If you have to think about it, don't do it.
This is thing 427: If you have to think about how to do it, ask for help.
This is thing 428: If you dont think people will realize this later.
This is thing 429: If all else fails, shut up and stop talking.
This is thing 430: Skin lotion
This is thing 431: "I pooped a hammer."
This is thing 432: Life is really moving at the same speed all the time.
This is thing 433: It just seems so short in the past, so slow in the present, and so far away in the future.
This is thing 434: Some people no matter how hard they try will always smell bad.
This is thing 435: Unsurety makes me nervous.
This is thing 436: God is awesome.
This is thing 437: Whoever invented chicken noodle soup deserves a whole lot of thanks.
This is thing 438: Fantabulon
This is thing 439: Instant Broad Spectrum Activity
This is thing 440: To be honest, sometimes the answer you need to hear is the one you dont want to hear.
This is thing 441: Such as the answer to the oft asked question "why does my ______ hurt?"
This is thing 442: Sometimes it's a genuine thing such as "oh you broke your foot/have arthritis or something."
This is thing 443: Sometimes the answer is simply "lose weight/stop smoking/stop drinking."
This is thing 444: If you have to get a 4th opinion you're probably just wrong.
This is thing 445: Because by the 4th time around it's not just because they dont like you.
This is thing 446: Stereotypes are perpetuated for a reason.
This is thing 447: Take for example "all mexicans are illegal immigrants."
This is thing 448: This is a good example of thing 446.
This is thing 449: Because a lot of mexicans cross the border illegally.
This is thing 450: But not all of them do. So it's perpetuated partly because it's true and partly because people feel the need to make stereotypes.
This is thing 451: We've got a long way to go til 1 million.
this was just a freaking pice of continuous freaking prose divided up into statements by 'this thig is __'
get a room.
that doesn't make sense
The Namer, at 1:36 PM
Also, please utilize proper capitalization and punctuation in your posts.
The Namer, at 1:46 PM
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